We’d love to welcome you at one of our midweek activities held at Landmark House.

Mondays 7.30pm - Digging Deeper

A chance to delve into a bible passage or theme in more detail, discuss and ask questions in an informal setting.

We are currently following the Bible Society’s course on the book of  Romans. The course tackles ten big themes found in Romans which are key to understanding the Christian faith.

It takes place each week at Landmark House. Contact us  if you would like to join us.

Tuesdays 10am till 12 - Busy Bees

Trish, Alice and the team run Busy Bees, our baby and toddler group which meets every Tuesday during school term time and sometimes during the long holidays.

10am till 12 at Landmark House.

Everyone is welcome to join us for play, crafts, stories and songs – and of course cake!

We’re a friendly group of people who love playing board games and are wanting to start a new gaming club open to anyone who wants to come and play.

We meet every Wednesday at Grace Community Church building in Glastonbury at 7pm.

There’s no entry fee so if you want to play some new games or keen to bring your own along then come and join us!

Under 18’s are welcome but will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Alternate Thursdays 7.30pm till 9pm - Craft Group

On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month our craft group meets.

Bring your current project and join us for tea, coffee, cake and chat while you craft. Whether you knit, crochet, sew, model-make you will receive a warm welcome.

Fridays 11am till 2pm - Open House

Ray and Val invite you to drop in on Fridays between 11am and 2pm. The group offers a warm space, a friendly welcome, a chance to chat and tasty refreshments (often cake!)

All of us have times when it is helpful to talk to someone and here you’ll find a listening ear and prayer should you want it.