Melanoma Healing

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This story comes from a very thankful heart

I was diagnosed with a melanoma on my lower leg in October 2015 – a huge shock! This resulted in an operation on the 1st of December to remove it and a further one on the 2nd of January to excise the total tumour which was unsuccessful.

I was referred to the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and meanwhile more tumours appeared in February.  I was due to have an isolated limb perfusion at the RMH at the end of April, where I was put in a beautiful private en-suite room.  There was no guarantee of a successful outcome in this very risky procedure.  They only do 10 of these per year.  

The anaesthetist and registrar spent time with me on that Monday evening.   I was up very early on the Tuesday to shower and have all the pre-op preparations carried out.  I was lying in the op gown with gorgeous red socks and IV fluids in place – 2nd on the list and was due to go down at 8.30 when the consultant surgeon in gown and wellies suddenly appeared just to check I was ok and to give my hand a squeeze.  He took off the dressings and to my amazement just suddenly sat on the bed – the tumours were all gone.  

He was flummoxed.  After a long discussion, I told him of Jesus’ love and of all the people praying for me.  Instead of a horrendous op, I had breakfast and coffee with Neil, my husband, and then went home!  Amazing!

I had further scans in September, where they found a tumour in my groin, so had op no. 2 on 1st November 2016 at the RMH.  They removed the tumour and all my lymph nodes in the top of my leg and in the groin area.  I had loads of drainage problems but the district nurses were superb once we had a pump system up and running well.

All three scans in February 2017 were clear – the surgeon here in Somerset was amazed at the healings.  I am still having scans and blood tests every three months but I know that my future (whatever it is) is secure in Jesus.
